My name is Okpoto. I am 13 years old and i stay with my parents. My dad is
a bicycle repairer while my mum sells tomatoes and other food stuffs along the road side.
My dad detests the idea of school and for that reason, he has not enrolled me in any school.
Whenever my mum raises the issue, my dad would say,
"The major reason people go to school is to earn money. I want my son,
Okpoto to learn how to repair bicycle like me and when I pass on, he can start making his own money!"
He went on by stating that how can he work all day, gather the money he has made, put it in an envelope and take it to one stupid prinicipal who is just
sitting in his office.
His words always made me wonder what kind of a man he is.
"If only God gave me the chance to choose who will be my father,i would have chosen another man as my father" I soliloquised.
If not for my mum, I would never have seen the four walls of a class room.
One morning, I cried ocean to my mum that I badly want to go to school.
I refused breakfast and even lunch that day. I was very much unhappy. My
mates are going to school but i stay at home doing nothing,perhaps waiting to
learn how to repair bicycles. Stupid bicycles.
That evening, my mum pleaded with one of our neighours to help talk to my dad about it.
my dad is a stubborn man.He always liked sticking to what he said...
After all the talkings and pleadings for over an hour,
he finally agreed but he gave a condition.
He agreed on the condition that he would only sponsor my primary education and that once I am through,
I must go look for job and pay him every dime he spent on me.
Aside that, he also added that if I must further, I should count his hands out of it. If I must go to school,
I had no other alternative.
It was agreed...and the deal was signed.
Naijaenvoy Novel