JAMB UTME Candidates who are expecting the Nekede Poly Post-UTME form for 2014/15 screening to come online are hereby informed. You should note that you must have met the Federal Poly Nekede Post-UTME Cut-off Markand other requirements to be eligible for the Post-UTME screening.
Follow the steps below to apply for the exercise.
Federal Polytechnic Nekede Post-UTME 2014/2015
Candidates should go to the Nekede Poly portal for admission application by clicking the following link:
Post-UTME registration/application portal
*.The page is titled AVALIABLE ONLINE FORMS and you will see the list of application forms available
*.The one that concerns Post-UTME candidates is the last one called “SCREENING/PUTME APPLICATION”, check the button beside it
*.In the space just below it, enter your Confirmation Order No and,
*.Click on the Submit button to get started with your application for the Nekede Polytechnic 2014/2015 Post-UTME screening.
You can report to the administrator whenever you encounter difficult in the registration.
NB : All candidates that wants to apply for Screening Examinations are to make payment in the designated banks with their correct JAMB No / HND Application Form No as candidates are not allowed to register with another persons eTranzact PIN.
We wish you the very best with your application!!!