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Xenophobic South Africa and hypocritical Nigeria

Written By Unknown on Friday, 24 April 2015 | 21:39

One religious crisis , throats will be slit and thousands will perish. Nigeria. The supposedly pious will zealously and sanctimoniously disembowel pregnant women and disgorge fetuses. Some innocent non indigenes of the wrong faith will have to choose between dying by the knife or drowning in a well. Hopes and livelihoods will disappear. Many, fortunate, will run hundreds of kilometers to the safety of their hometowns . Neither the victimized living nor the butchered dead will be accorded even a semblance of dignity. The dead will be lumped onto lorries , open tipper trucks and driven to hurriedly dug pits , graves, in the dark in the interest of national unity. And the living will get no redress, no rehabilitation. The instigators and the perpetrators , to whom all impunity belongs , will walk away free.

And the House of Representatives that has found its voice in the wake of the South African crises will offer tepid resolutions and nothing more. And the government will console not the bereaved but the trouble makers , so that -”we can move forward”. And they will set up a committee and the committee will come up with papers that will be discarded by the government because the committee was in any case, a ruse. You die , you die and life goes on . Or how else can it be interpreted? You die for nothing! “No one is greater than Nigeria” they always say. So sleeping rabid dogs are left to lie, free to bite and bite again.

Egregious evil is often banal. And the banality of gross unspeakable acts of inhumanity is the reason the whole of humanity must always be on guard . 800,000 skulls in 100 days. Rwanda . Man’s capacity for monstrous evil must never be underestimated. Common every day people when intoxicated by the brew of hate served them by unscrupulous powerful , self seeking , elements can perpetrate mind boggling evil against fellow humanity. If it were not so thousands of Germans – drivers, doctors , priests, nurses would not have actively cooperated with Hitler and the Nazi regime to achieve the holocaust. And many other good men would not have acquiesced by being passive. The Zulu king spewed hate and parts of South Africa went aflame. South Africans have been noted to exhibit an exceptionalism , a shared self perception as non Africans . And many have tried to find the reasons for such a ‘superiority complex’ or sense of otherness . Their struggle against apartheid may have conditioned them and foisted on them a sense of uniqueness sufficient to justify the conception of brother Africans as “others”. But nothing can explain a penchant for naked hate filled violence by black south Africans against black Africans of other nationalities. The current spate of attacks is preceded by other such events.

Everyday street interaction reveals a population seething with hate for black immigrants in many parts of south Africa Many South Africans allude to the fact that many of the foreign African nationals in their country engage in nefarious activities and help to worsen the deteriorating crime situation in the country. A particular charge is laid against Nigerian nationals for drug peddling, advance fee fraud and armed robbery. It is true that years of apartheid has left many black south African youths and families impoverished and educationally backward. These black communities suffer many social dislocations and deprivations and all of these have contributed in raising family and social tensions. Such communities can ill afford aggravation of broken situations by immigrants. But rather than employ mob justice and barbaric methods , why wouldn’t such an aggrieved society use the criminal justice structures and immigration processes to stem any such foreign criminal proliferation.

The other popular but patently spurious refrain is that black immigrants have usurped jobs meant for locals. And this , however viewed , is a ludicrous charge. If jobs exists locals always get priority.

And this is acceptable worldwide. And if locals consider the jobs beneath them or lack the expertise to fill the roles then immigrants would naturally take up the roles. Hard working, law abiding immigrants benefit all nations. Why would the success of black African immigrants engender murderous envy in a predominantly black country where whites dominate at all levels. Whites live in opulence, legacy of apartheid.

About Unknown